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Kuala Lumpur
April 22, 2024

Learning by Doing: GIIS KL Kindergarteners Celebrate Earth Day with Hands-On Activities

Celebrating Earth Day on April 22nd, GIIS KL Kindergarteners (KG) embarked on a mission to spread awareness and take concrete steps towards a greener future.

The day kicked off with a thoughtful initiative. Students, with the help of their teachers, crafted special DIY badges and reusable bags. These weren't your ordinary creations! Badges, made from recycled cardboard with smiley earth and paper leaves , served as a constant reminder of the importance of Earth Day. Meanwhile, reusable bags, meticulously cut and knotted by KG students from used t-shirts, offered a sustainable alternative to plastic bags. 

But the action didn't stop there! KG students donned their explorer hats and embarked on a nature walk around the school grounds. With a keen eye, they observed the various types of trees, listened to the melodious calls of birds, and even collected fascinating flowers and leaves and transformed them into beautiful bookmarks, not only for themselves but also for the admin office staff, fostering a sense of community.These eco-friendly goodies were then distributed to the admin office staff and teachers, promoting environmental consciousness throughout the school.

The KG students weren't just spreading awareness; they were taking concrete steps towards a sustainable future. For one hour, from 12pm to 1pm, the entire KG level embraced the concept of saving energy. Lights, fans, ACs, and even smart boards were switched off! This simple act demonstrated the power of collective action in conserving energy.

Moving forward, the KG level has initiated an ongoing project – a compost collection bin for dry flowers. This innovative approach teaches students about waste management and the importance of creating a healthy environment.

GIIS KL's Earth Day celebration wasn't just about activities; it was about aligning with significant educational goals. The initiatives undertaken by the KG students resonate with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, 7, 13, 14, and 15, emphasizing quality education, clean energy, climate action, life below water, and life on land. Additionally, these activities showcase the core values of GIIS KL's 9 Gems holistic education framework, focusing on Innovation & Creativity, Universal Values & Ethics, Community & Care, and Skill Development.

The KG students at GIIS KL have proven that even the youngest minds can make a significant impact. Their enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication to the environment serve as a powerful inspiration for all.

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